$5.5 Million
Distributed in South Mississippi in 2023.

Community partners and individual donors provided scholarships and grants, inspiring innovative teacher projects and students to pursuing excellence in academics and athleticism.

Health & Human Services
We distributed grants to help counter the adverse impacts of COVID-19, and dispersed funds helping Let’s Go! Gulf Coast increase children’s access to healthy eating and active living.

Community Projects
Designated and Field of Interest funds like Coast Electric’s Operation Round Up and the Jack A. & Gertrude W. Wilson Animal Welfare Fund supported initiatives including arts and culture, community service, educational programs, environment, and animal welfare.

Community Development
We bridged local agencies like the East Biloxi Community Collaborative, and the Gulfport and Biloxi Main Street Associations, with national organizations including W.K. Kellogg and John S. & James L. Knight Foundations. We also initiated energy efficiency and renewable energy strategic planning for Mississippi Gulf Coast neighborhoods and school districts.

Disaster Relief
We distributed government-funded and private disaster relief resources to Hurricanes Zeta and Ida impacted residents and disbursed corporate employee assistance funds supporting local families encountering emergency hardships.
More than $100 Million
Disbursed since 1989.