Available Scholarships

Scholarship applications are now closed.

The Gulf Coast Community Foundation scholarship cycle is December 1-February 28. **All communication regarding scholarship applications with GCCF will be exclusively conducted between the student applicant and a designated GCCF representative. The GCCF representative will not communicate with parents regarding their child’s application.**



Students apply through GCCF for the following scholarships:

Career Women’s Club Scholarship Fund

The Career Women’s Club Scholarship Fund was established in January 1996 to provide scholarship assistance to a post-traditional student anticipating a career track curriculum. Post-traditional students are typically aged 25 and older and have taken time off from pursuing higher education due to other commitments, such as caring for family and/or holding full-time jobs. The applicant must have been a resident of Harrison, Hancock, Jackson, Stone or George County for at least three years, and must provide evidence of financial need. Applicant must attend any campus of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College and may be a current student at MGCCC in good standing.

Click here to view the Scholarship Guidelines

Hollie Gonsoulin Memorial Scholarship

 The Hollie Gonsoulin Memorial Scholarship was established in 2018 to commemorate D’Iberville High School student Hollie Gonsoulin, who passed away in 2014. The $5,000 scholarship will go toward the college education of a D’Iberville High School dance team member. Also, the scholarship will award a member of the D’Iberville High School cheerleading team with a $5,000 scholarship. There is no ACT minimum requirement, but rather, scholarship recipients must display strong leadership qualities and community involvement.

Click here to view the Cheerleading Guidelines
Click here to view the Dance Guidelines

Mary & Gene Levens Scholarship Fund

The Mary and Gene Levens Scholarship Fund was established in January 2000 to recognize the importance the Levenses placed on a college education for their nine children. It is their desire to award scholarships to high school seniors in Long Beach School District who are interested in pursuing degrees in areas similar to their careers and those of their children, namely accounting, engineering, health care, insurance and other business-related fields.

Click here to view the Scholarship Guidelines

Lawrence and Lucimarian Roberts Scholarship Fund

The Lawrence and Lucimarian Roberts Helpline Scholarship Fund was established in July 2002 to help individuals further their education in human service professions such as psychology, counseling, social work, or other majors in the behavioral health and science field. The applicant must be currently enrolled in a two- or four-year college or university in the state of Mississippi or a high school senior who is planning on attending a two- or four-year college or university in the state of Mississippi. The applicant should have an overall grade point average of at least 2.5 (based on a 4.0 scale) from a state or private college or university or from a public or private high school. The individual must have family residency in Harrison, Hancock, Pearl River or Stone counties.

Click here to view the Scholarship Guidelines

Harold and Mary W. Perlman Scholarship Fund

The Harold and Mary Perlman Scholarship Fund was established in November 2006 in memory of Harold and Mary Perlman. Mr. and Mrs. Perlman were both educators along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. The scholarship will provide assistance for college, junior college, or graduate school students who plan to attend or are currently attending William Carey College, The University of Southern Mississippi, or any campus of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College. The applicant should have an overall grade point average of at least 3.0 (based on a 4.0 scale). The individual must have family residency in Harrison, Hancock, Jackson or Stone County and provide evidence of financial need. The applicant must participate in extracurricular and/or community activities. Three references are required.

Click here to view the Scholarship Guidelines

Rotary Club of Biloxi Scholarship Endowment Fund

The Rotary Club of Biloxi Scholarship Endowment Fund was established in June 1999. This scholarship is funded by the Rotary Club of Biloxi for the purpose of providing scholarship assistance to a graduating senior of Biloxi High School, St. Patrick Catholic High School, D’Iberville High School, or the Mississippi School of Math and Science, or a homeschool senior student registered with the County Attendance Office and whose parent or legal guardian resides in Biloxi.

Click here to view the Scholarship Guidelines

Rotary Club of Gulfport Scholarship Endowment Fund

The Rotary Club of Gulfport Scholarship Endowment Fund is funded by the Rotary Club of Gulfport and was established in February 1997 for the purpose of providing scholarship assistance to graduating seniors of Gulfport High School, St. Patrick Catholic High School, West Harrison High School and Harrison Central High School in recognition of their academic accomplishments. Applicants must be a resident of the city of Gulfport.

Click here to view the Scholarship Guidelines

Jack A. Wilson Engineering Scholarship Fund

The Jack A. Wilson Engineering Scholarship Fund was established in December 2001 by Ms. Gertrude A. Wilson through the Gulf Coast Community Foundation to honor Mr. Wilson. The purpose of the fund is to award a scholarship for a college, junior college, or graduate school student entering their third or more years of engineering education. Applicants must be residents of Jackson, Harrison or Hancock County.

Click here to view the Scholarship Guidelines

The following scholarships are awarded through the schools and/or organizations listed within the descriptions. Students do not apply through GCCF for these scholarships.

Dorothy Eaton Scholarship for Performing Arts

Awarded by Gulfport High School. To apply, contact a counselor at Gulfport High School.

The Dorothy Eaton Scholarship for Performing Arts Scholarship was established in December 1995 in honor of Dorothy M. Eaton and her many contributions to public education and community life in the city of Gulfport. Dorothy had a special interest in the performing arts and theater community. This fund awards a scholarship annually to a graduating senior in the performing arts at Gulfport High School. 

James S. Eaton Scholarship Fund

Awarded by Gulfport High School. To apply, contact a counselor at Gulfport High School.

The James S. Eaton Scholarship Fund was established in November 1994 as a memorial to Mr. Eaton in recognition of his many contributions to public education in the city of Gulfport and his distinguished service on the Gulfport School Board. This fund awards a scholarship annually to the valedictorian of the graduating class at Gulfport High School. 

Gulfport Gridiron Club Scholarship Fund

Applications available through athletic directors and head coaches of schools located in the counties of Hancock, Harrison and Jackson. 

The Gulfport Gridiron Club Scholarship Fund was established in May 1993. This award recognizes a graduating senior who exhibits exceptional high school athletic performance and shows dedication, commitment and the willingness to perform to the best of their ability. Some preference is given, but not limited, to football players. Students must show financial need. 

Ross Langston Sports Medicine Scholarship Fund

Applications available through athletic directors and head coaches of schools located in the counties of Harrison, Hancock and Jackson.

The Ross Langston Sports Medicine Scholarship Fund was established in August 1989. Scholarships will be awarded to Harrison, Hancock or Jackson County residents who are high school seniors or students engaged in undergraduate programs requiring four years for a baccalaureate degree. The scholarship is awarded to honor the 30+ years of service Langston gave in caring for the medical needs of young athletes across the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Applicants must be or plan to be enrolled in an NATA-approved curriculum program or other sports medicine related program and intend to pursue a profession in a field of Sports Medicine or other medically related fields. Recipients must maintain a 2.5 GPA throughout their undergraduate years.

The Michael Mixon Memorial Scholarship

Applicants must complete an essay on the importance of individuality. The essay must be no less than 500 words and be typed and submitted in printed form to the Biloxi High School Career Center. For more information, contact a counselor at Biloxi High School.

The Michael Mixon Memorial Scholarship was established in July 2011. Mr. Mixon was valedictorian at Biloxi High School, class of 1986. He was a graduate of Georgia Tech, where he received his degree in Chemical Engineering and also received a degree in Biology. Mr. Mixon completed his master’s degree requirements in Bio-Chemical Engineering at the Baylor School of Medicine, where he pursued a doctoral degree and was involved in breast cancer research. The award will be granted to a graduating senior from Biloxi High School who understands and exemplifies the belief system that Michael Mixon himself purported: Aspire to excellence, but be yourself. The quality we’re seeking in the recipient is the drive for fulfillment in work and life through hard work, but never to lose sight of who you are and what you believe. 

Jeremiah J. and Annette S. O’Keefe Scholarship Fund

Awarded by St. Patrick Catholic High School and Ocean Springs High School. To apply, contact a counselor at St. Patrick Catholic High School or Ocean Springs High School. 

The Jeremiah J. and Annette S. O’Keefe Scholarship Fund was established in July 1997 as a tribute to the founders and primary benefactors of the O’Keefe Foundation. The fund annually awards a scholarship to a deserving student at St. Patrick Catholic High School (Jeremiah J. O’Keefe, Sr.) and a scholarship to a deserving student at Ocean Springs High School (Annette S. O’Keefe). 

Kevin L. Rayburn Memorial Scholarship Fund

Awarded by Stone High School Band Director and Ebenezer Baptist Church Pastor. To apply, contact a counselor at Stone High School. 

The Kevin L. Rayburn Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in November 2004 to award scholarships to a graduating senior from the Stone High School Band Drumline with good morals and Christian character. The scholarship is also available to graduating seniors who are members of the Ebenezer Baptist Church or children of members of the Ebenezer Baptist Church. 

Eileen S. and Earl C. Whittemore Fund

Awarded by Mississippi Nurses Foundation. Click here to apply (under “Additional Scholarships”).

The Eileen S. & Earl C. Whittemore, Jr. Scholarship was established in December 2008. The fund provides an annual scholarship to a nurse enrolled in an accredited nurse practitioner program. Scholarship recipient must be a resident of the state of Mississippi.

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